PLR Adventure

Million Dollar Copy

Million Dollar Copy is different. It isn’t a technique or a process. It’s a way of thinking, a way of approaching copy that significantly increases your results.

Million Dollar Copy

It goes beyond what traditional copywriting texts cover, often delving into areas I’ve never heard discussed anywhere else!

Excerpt from this eBook:

I don’t care how many books you’ve read or letters you’ve written. I’m willing to bet that you’re one of the 99% of people who don’t really begin to understand what makes true million-dollar copy.

Even if you’ve written letters that have sold $1,000,000 worth of product.

If you think about what you’re about to read and hear, and test it in the real world, you can quickly become one of the 1% who does “get it.”

But you’ll have to do a fair bit of work. And a whole lot of thinking.

If you are willing to do the work and the thinking, I believe I can show you how to make your sales copy produce far more effectively, in a lot less time than it would have taken you otherwise.

Before we get started, take a minute and list three to five specific improvements you’d like to make from the copy on your site. Not just sales, but any action you want your visitors to take.

Making that list is your first day’s homework.

As you read through this course, keep these things in mind. Consider how you can apply what you read to improve your results by focusing your copy using these ideas.

In the next section I’ll explain what “Million Dollar Copy” is, and why it’s so important to your long-term success. Before we get to that, though, I want to emphasize something right up front:

This is NOT a manual on writing sales letters. There are hundreds of them out there. The world doesn’t need another course on basic copywriting.

This is a collection of ideas, techniques and concepts that form a mindset that leads to what I call “Million Dollar Copywriting.”

Some of what you’ll read here is basic stuff. Unfortunately, much of it isn’t talked about in many of the courses that already exist. If you’re new to writing sales copy, it’s stuff that you’ll find useful as you learn.

Some of it is … well, not so much “advanced” as undiscussed. Portions of it may seem a bit theoretical. Others will strike some people as wrong and, quite possibly, offensive.

Those are the parts you should give the closest attention. 2

As you go through this report, you’ll probably notice that there are areas that would be clearer with examples. The lack of examples isn’t because I couldn’t think of any – I’ve used every technique in this book in multiple sales letters. Examples are easy. Too easy.

License: Resale Rights

Category: Make Money PLRFile Size:  0.96 MB

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